Naomi's Rough Draft Blog

Fang- Part 10

Posted on: September 16, 2010

To read the entire story click on the Fang – Table of Contents

Alexis saw Fang walk out of the dark portal.  Lunar smiled.  “About time.  Now, since you’re here, we can finally finish off these five.”

“Say what?!” Joey exclaimed, taking a surprised step back.

“You heard me.”  Lunar smiled and revealed his sharp teeth.  “The reason Fang went to that school in the first place was to get foolish victims like you.  And I think I’ll start with your sister, Alexis.”  He turned to Melissa, who started backing away.  “This should be fun.”  Lunar turned into his dark form; leaving nothing but the outline of his body and his blue eyes.  Then he lunged at Melissa.

Someone tackled Lunar, and he fell to the ground.  When Lunar stood up, Fang was standing in front of the five.  “What are you doing?!” Lunar demanded.

“I won’t let you.”  Fang looked at Lunar in the eye.  “I won’t let you hurt my friends!”

Stunned silence hung in the air.  “Lunar,” Fang finally said, “you were right- I have been reborn.  But not as a creature of darkness, but a creature of light!”

“What!” Lunar gritted his teeth.

“Alexis and her friends showed me light, and the night they went to the basketball court I earned my first emotion- pity.  I didn’t want to believe it, but my next emotion, sadness, soon followed the first.  And now, I’m the person who stands in front of you now.  My name- is Guarding Fang!”

Lunar was silent.  “I tried to convince you to not look at light, but I failed.  Light and darkness are separate elements, so that means we must part ways.  At least for now.”  Lunar turned around.  “But remember- light and darkness are always two sides of the same coin, so we’ll meet again.”  He merged with the darkness, disappearing to Alexis and her friends, but Fang could still see him walking away.

He suddenly felt exhausted, and his vision blurred.  Fang fell to his knees. “Fang?” he heard Alexis say.  He wanted to answer, but at that moment he blacked out.


“Is he still knocked out?”

“Just give him some time, Danny.  Don’t worry; he’ll wake up.”

Fang opened his eyes and blinked.  “What’s going on?” he asked.

“See?  What did I tell you?” Alexis teased her brother.

“You’re in the woods, remember?” Joey asked.  Then everything came back to Fang; the test, him protecting Melissa, Lunar leaving-


He sat up.  “I should probably leave.  I’ve caused enough trouble for you five,” he said, starting to stand up.

“Are you sure?  You just got up.” Sam pointed out.

“I think I’ll be fine.” he said.  “You all should go.”  He started walking away.

“Hold it right there.”  Joey put a hand on his shoulder.  “You take a test to determine who you are, you come back a ‘creature of light’, you save Melissa from being killed by Lunar, and you expect to just walk away after all you’ve done?”

“That was my plan, yes.” Fang said.

For a while they were all silent.  Then the five started laughing.  Fang smiled.  As he did, he felt something inside of him.  So this is what happiness feels like, he thought.

“So, I guess we’re all friends now, right, “Guarding Fang”?” Sam asked.

Fang nodded.  “But just call me Fang, okay?” he said.

“No problem, but I have question.  What happened to Hasbrin?” Joey asked.

“You don’t want to know.  But since I’m not exactly a creature of darkness anymore, I think he’ll be in school tomorrow.”

“Are you dodging my question?” Joey teased.

“And what if I am?” Fang asked with a grin.  As he talked with his new friends, he thought, I don’t think this is over yet.  Lunar’s going to come back; I just know it.  It’s like he said: light and darkness are always two sides of the same coin.


Lunar walked in darkness.  Now that Fang’s a creature of light, we can’t be together anymore; he and I have to walk down separate paths; at least for now.

Something seemed to click inside Lunar, and before he knew it tears were trickling down his cheeks.  What’s going on?  I have no emotions, but-  Then he knew.  Fang- I guess since he had emotions, and we’re connected by blood, he spread some light to me.  So now, I can be sad.  Lunar wiped away the tears and smiled.  It almost feels good- good to be sad.  He resumed walking.

The End (?)

5 Responses to "Fang- Part 10"

I finally found the site. Good story. Light and dark, opposite sides of the same coin, seems to be a theme you like. I found the characters intriguing. I like how most of your characters find redemption.

Brava! Nicely done, Naomi, and I, too, look forward to “Fang 2.”

Fang 2 is going to take a while, but I hope you can read Ninja Bodyguard while waiting. Don’t worry, I’ll post Fang 2 when it’s finished. 🙂


Glad to see you like Fang so much, Katie (lol). 😉 I think many people will be happy to know that Fang 2 is in progress.

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